The gastronomy

Martinique's gastronomy is highly varied and is known for its African, Caribbean and European influences. The most common dishes are: • Le Féroce d'Avocat: This dish is traditionally breakfast. It has avocado, cassava flour and salty fish. They can also be found with lobster or crab meat. • Accra de morue: In the form of a donut, it is the most common dish in Martinique. It is made stuffed with fish or cod and eaten as a starter or appetizer. • Boudin Créole: It is made of pork. Also, they have the Boudin Blanc which is made with white sausage. This is a traditional dish at Christmas time.

Beautiful sunset in Caribbean (Martinique)

The weather

In Martinique the temperature all year round averages 26 ° C. March, April and May are the hottest months. One thing to note is that Martinique has a rainy season (May to November) and a dry season (February to April).

lag of Martinique

Official language

The official language is known as French, but locals also speak Martiniqué Creole (Créole martiniquais).

Euro money background

Official coin

The official currency of Martinique is the Euro.

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Malecon - Bord de mer de Fort-de-France


On a tour of the capital, Fort-de-France, you can see the most emblematic places. Including the Parc de La Savane, the Saint-Louis Cathedral, and the Fort Saint Louis.
Vue sur la montagne pelée - Martinique 972

mount pelee

Mount Pelée: One of the most common and recommended tourist activities is to climb this active volcano. The entire island can be viewed from its height. It can be climbed by three routes: the Aileron route, the Grande-Savane route and the Grand Rivière route.
Beautiful beach in Caribbean (Martinique)

The Grande Anse des Salines beach

The beaches: The Grande Anse des Salines beach is considered the best beach on the island of Martinique. Fine white sand and spectacular views. The beach is common for picnics or camping on the sand. La Couleuvre beach is one of the beaches worth visiting. It has easy access and lets you enjoy crystal clear water. You can snorkel and enjoy the sea turtles.

Memorial Chapter 110

To enjoy history, visiting the Cap 110 Memorial is the best option. Commemorates the abolition of slavery. It was built in 1998 in honor of the 234 who died on a ship that came with slaves, the walls are representative and help to understand the meaning of their death.

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